lunedì 26 ottobre 2009

Mr.Morgan could you send me the pictures of you i took? the one's i used to turn you into a woman..that all sounds really weird
anyway if you still have them on send them to me please? uhm on my school email i guess.

domenica 30 agosto 2009


The other day as im playing about in my granparents house i find stuff. by stuff i mean a rolleiflex, i still have to findout from what year, a canon t70 with 5 lenses and filters, and an ancient film camera. plus their flashs and suff..and i have officially inherited them. yey me. now i just have to figure out how to use them properly. oooh and i can use the lenses on my canon ftb which is stil repairing at the photographers. but im so excited....
oh and i went to this moens family reunion and i met a cousin of mine who is a part time photographer and she actually takes pictures of artists and their studios, in addition to random french and belgian famous people i dont know. i went on her site wasnt THAT impressed, i did howven like her squat stuff, anyway im keeping contact and she's up for making me meet all these artists she photographs next time im in belgium.
oh and theres more, our family friend is a full time artist i did some pages on her, i like her work, its actually pretty good for fanaticism, she's a tango dancer and she's really passionate about it and so she's done all these figures in reds and blacks on big canvases of tango dancers, and some bronze sculpture...its maybe a little cliche but the painting style she uses, is relevant and the theme too because passion can be both a result of fanticism and a cause. she has a blog, but its got none of her new stuff on the tango.
can that count as my exhibition pages?

venerdì 28 agosto 2009

just a question, mr morgan when is the book actually due in?

martedì 11 agosto 2009

looking at fanatics...

Looking through a few pictures i had on my computer i realised that our school is filled with fanatical looking people.
a lot of the pictures come from rock for ZAmbia these are just sketches of people who's expressions were quite powerful. i thought about ,maybe doing a project in parallel to the anti fanatic one.
i thought about taking the same person and do the anti fanatical one in a realistic style like the johnny one and the other would be in a different more 'fanatical style' i'd have to look into different styles, i was thinking francis bacon or maybe do it with my fingers with lots material, the idea is that it has to look excessive so yea..

finished my johnny painting

finished it! uhm it enough as a project or do i need to do like a few more paintings like the nathan one and stuff??
i think i'll do a few live sketches soon too..

martedì 4 agosto 2009

roberto ferri..

my cousin from belguim was here some time ago and so i was forced to show him around the centre despite the unbearable heat and overwhelming flux of tourist.
As we are walking around visiting, i decided ti find refuge by going to a free art exhibition. Figured it would be like killing two birds with one stone.
so i stumbled upon Roberto Ferri.
to be honest i foung his art to be rather morbid and distrubing. His paintings were rather grotesque takes of both roman mythology and Biblical episodes.
what was interesting was the style, very much renaissancy and evidently very classical...great attention to detail and a particular emphasis on the human form, with muscular men and women merged and into storytelling canvases in rather dark colours, and overall quite macabre.
I just thought seeing as i did a section of my research on Religious fanaticism, i thought the style of painting could be tied back to this. Plus with the work that i did on the human figure i was just impressed by the bodies and their depictions.

mercoledì 27 maggio 2009

If i were to live ina box it would look like this..

So i like boxes, and i was walking around in the other day when, all of a sudden, i see a box, a special one. I didnt have a camera or anything but i thought it inspiring and i think , maybe, at some point i might do some boxes with stuff in a sculpture made out of lots of boxes... it could possibly relate to intimacy, the way there's the exterior and the interior, the interior obviously being symbolic of intimacy..or something esle. i dont know. but i want to do boxes. because they look like lots of fun.
YEY Boxes...
plus if i were to live in a box, which would be fun, i think i'd want it to look good. OOOOOHHH..i could do like a little person in a a little voodoo dool person and lots of collage stuff... ok i could do like a series, i like series maybe i could base them on fictional characters, like each box is a fictional characters mind...oh yea... lovely.

domenica 12 aprile 2009

general update...

I was enjoying myself and flipping through some illustration books and i decided because to dosomething with patterns and some different textiles hopefully a little batique, all sewn onto a canvas... I thought of a Wangechi mutu sort of portrait thing made out of different fragments of textures and patterns..still once more feathuring the human form.. so here is a little Wangechi Mutu and some mike kelly so you get sort of what im attempting...

this is Mike Kelley and above its Wangechi Mutu

more nudity?

just thought i'd a video about naked people, not worries its not pronographic or anything.. ilike the way the video makes the nudity remote and puts emphasis on the cesorship.. its such a good idea. anyway enjoy

martedì 31 marzo 2009

General appreciation of pans

a broad, shallow container of metal, usually having sides flaring outward toward the top, used in various forms for frying, baking, washing, etc.
and..the inspiration of my new prject.
funny how the coincidence has played such a role in both these projects. so here is a post dedicated to pans, because they have many uses and have funny shapes on which you can draw tadpole looking julies.
yes yes pans are cool.

windows and doors

So as part of my project n1 ie project K***..i used locker doors, that idea will develop itself into a series of K*** nudes on windows and doors.
I decided to use these as the means of the expression of the internal or the intimate and external or the public, what secrets lay behind the windows and doors of our nakedness...on them i'm thinking of adding some of the phrases we found on the walls of paris, not only so that it realtes even further but because those pearls of wisdom could not go unused.

domenica 29 marzo 2009

Fish must think I'm sexy

so i decided to devulge to you the subject that will be on THE PAN, i didnt actually take the picture jona did, when i saw it, i thought...yum.
so there it is, project is called 'Fish must think im really sexy'quoted directly from my subject.

lunedì 23 marzo 2009

more of my muse

I like hands and K*** and i thank her for being my muse

So seeing as my main theme is nudity i had a few naked ideas floating about on my nudist beach of thought. But now i have been inspired by my muse , who happened to pose for me in the girls bathroom on E floor and i liked the picture i took so much i decided i'd develop it into a project. The thing that really jumped at me from the pictures above is the hands, i liked the idea that despite the nudity of her back the gaze of the viewer is caught by the position of the hands, they are suggestive and enable the contortion of the body in a fluid position that exudes sensuality. so i really liked and developed it into a chalk drawing on black card and i again did it in my book in oil pants as you'll see tomorrow seing as its book day, and you'll have to wait for tomorrow for me to divulge the project i have in mind...

martedì 17 febbraio 2009


So i'm flipping through my Art & Aujord'hui book and i find a few art works that are very much propaganda and seeing as propaganda is a huge part of history, especially when you're into Mao's and Stalin's Cutural revolutions and Cults of Personality. So enjoy?


so it was valentines three days ago and my 17th birthday if i may say so.
so i thought i'd be a true romantic and add love poems, oscar wilde and carol ann duffy , because poetry is a form of art. Like you choose the best combinations of texture, colour, image, motion for a work of art, for the expression of what you may think or feel you do the same with poetry with the combination of words similes, metaphors, structure and words.

Silentium Amoris (The Silence of Love)
by Oscar Wilde

As oftentimes the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.

And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.

But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.

so yea. my pretty poem.
my second is by another poet i love, Carol ann duffy.
Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or kissogram.

I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.

-- Carol Ann Duffy

domenica 1 febbraio 2009

Cindy sherman

I looked up cindy sherman...
i like her work..i like the idea of interpreting different characters, she presents issues that are part of our society by dressing herself up in costumes, its great...
comic and interesting...

"I feel I'm anonymous in my work. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren't self-portraits. Sometimes I disappear." cindy sherman.

i like the element of drama and of the abandonment of one's personality in one's art. srtiving to lose yourself and explore rather then merely express is really interesting and appealing,it opens doors for peronal growth.
not that i was trying to grow by dressing up as a convict..that was just fun..its always fun to loose yourself in a little healthy silliness.
anyway here is some cindy sherman.

im such a bad mother.

i'm sorry for being such an absent parent my dearest blog.
i will upsdate!
its just its soo hard for a young parent to adapt to such change.

so for christmas i got this book, in french, called ART & AUJOURD'HUI, its pretty amazing, pretty much any contmeporary artist is on it. Its particularly interesting in its outlook on modern art, its really useful for inspiration, looking at the ideas and the varying perceptions of art within the book. the information in it is related to different themes and titles such as pop culture (the warhol effect), art and representation (the fiction of realism), Art and deformation ( celebration of human imperfection)such distinctions help to better understand the art and hence the artist. its useful for pretty much any research.
so yea child of mine if ever in need of inspiration....

venerdì 9 gennaio 2009

mercoledì 7 gennaio 2009

Hello World!

Jess and Katie would like like to announce the birth of their babies

1) kbartblogstgeorge
and also its new baby sister
2) jmartblogstgeorge

We are very proud and wish them lots of luck as they grow into BIG happy blogs.