domenica 30 agosto 2009


The other day as im playing about in my granparents house i find stuff. by stuff i mean a rolleiflex, i still have to findout from what year, a canon t70 with 5 lenses and filters, and an ancient film camera. plus their flashs and suff..and i have officially inherited them. yey me. now i just have to figure out how to use them properly. oooh and i can use the lenses on my canon ftb which is stil repairing at the photographers. but im so excited....
oh and i went to this moens family reunion and i met a cousin of mine who is a part time photographer and she actually takes pictures of artists and their studios, in addition to random french and belgian famous people i dont know. i went on her site wasnt THAT impressed, i did howven like her squat stuff, anyway im keeping contact and she's up for making me meet all these artists she photographs next time im in belgium.
oh and theres more, our family friend is a full time artist i did some pages on her, i like her work, its actually pretty good for fanaticism, she's a tango dancer and she's really passionate about it and so she's done all these figures in reds and blacks on big canvases of tango dancers, and some bronze sculpture...its maybe a little cliche but the painting style she uses, is relevant and the theme too because passion can be both a result of fanticism and a cause. she has a blog, but its got none of her new stuff on the tango.
can that count as my exhibition pages?

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