mercoledì 27 maggio 2009

If i were to live ina box it would look like this..

So i like boxes, and i was walking around in the other day when, all of a sudden, i see a box, a special one. I didnt have a camera or anything but i thought it inspiring and i think , maybe, at some point i might do some boxes with stuff in a sculpture made out of lots of boxes... it could possibly relate to intimacy, the way there's the exterior and the interior, the interior obviously being symbolic of intimacy..or something esle. i dont know. but i want to do boxes. because they look like lots of fun.
YEY Boxes...
plus if i were to live in a box, which would be fun, i think i'd want it to look good. OOOOOHHH..i could do like a little person in a a little voodoo dool person and lots of collage stuff... ok i could do like a series, i like series maybe i could base them on fictional characters, like each box is a fictional characters mind...oh yea... lovely.

3 commenti:

  1. i like the bottom photograph of a box the most, the colours, legs and twisted wire on top of the box makes it look almost as if it has a life of its own. so not only the character inside is representing interior or personality, but also the outside...i dunno :D

  2. i like this idea, have you thought about doing a box inside a box inside a box? by the way those boxes at the top--i have them!!!
    i also really like the bottom box- you could have things coming out of it and all over the place. almost like the box has exploded..and i know you like your beads and stuff so maybe you could include them too..?

  3. The idea is very interesting...I was thinking of doing something similar a couple of months ago, except that the figure of my sculpture was an anorexic woman and I wanted to enhance her darkness and absence of light, of brightness, although then I slightly modifified it. But what I would do in your case, is to probably use a transparent box, so to link transparency and intimacy together, all in one. You could also link the minds and the personalities of each character with a range of colours, to emphasize the interior, as you said, symbol of intimacy.
