martedì 17 febbraio 2009


So i'm flipping through my Art & Aujord'hui book and i find a few art works that are very much propaganda and seeing as propaganda is a huge part of history, especially when you're into Mao's and Stalin's Cutural revolutions and Cults of Personality. So enjoy?


so it was valentines three days ago and my 17th birthday if i may say so.
so i thought i'd be a true romantic and add love poems, oscar wilde and carol ann duffy , because poetry is a form of art. Like you choose the best combinations of texture, colour, image, motion for a work of art, for the expression of what you may think or feel you do the same with poetry with the combination of words similes, metaphors, structure and words.

Silentium Amoris (The Silence of Love)
by Oscar Wilde

As oftentimes the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.

And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.

But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.

so yea. my pretty poem.
my second is by another poet i love, Carol ann duffy.
Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or kissogram.

I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.

-- Carol Ann Duffy

domenica 1 febbraio 2009

Cindy sherman

I looked up cindy sherman...
i like her work..i like the idea of interpreting different characters, she presents issues that are part of our society by dressing herself up in costumes, its great...
comic and interesting...

"I feel I'm anonymous in my work. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren't self-portraits. Sometimes I disappear." cindy sherman.

i like the element of drama and of the abandonment of one's personality in one's art. srtiving to lose yourself and explore rather then merely express is really interesting and appealing,it opens doors for peronal growth.
not that i was trying to grow by dressing up as a convict..that was just fun..its always fun to loose yourself in a little healthy silliness.
anyway here is some cindy sherman.

im such a bad mother.

i'm sorry for being such an absent parent my dearest blog.
i will upsdate!
its just its soo hard for a young parent to adapt to such change.

so for christmas i got this book, in french, called ART & AUJOURD'HUI, its pretty amazing, pretty much any contmeporary artist is on it. Its particularly interesting in its outlook on modern art, its really useful for inspiration, looking at the ideas and the varying perceptions of art within the book. the information in it is related to different themes and titles such as pop culture (the warhol effect), art and representation (the fiction of realism), Art and deformation ( celebration of human imperfection)such distinctions help to better understand the art and hence the artist. its useful for pretty much any research.
so yea child of mine if ever in need of inspiration....