martedì 31 marzo 2009

General appreciation of pans

a broad, shallow container of metal, usually having sides flaring outward toward the top, used in various forms for frying, baking, washing, etc.
and..the inspiration of my new prject.
funny how the coincidence has played such a role in both these projects. so here is a post dedicated to pans, because they have many uses and have funny shapes on which you can draw tadpole looking julies.
yes yes pans are cool.

windows and doors

So as part of my project n1 ie project K***..i used locker doors, that idea will develop itself into a series of K*** nudes on windows and doors.
I decided to use these as the means of the expression of the internal or the intimate and external or the public, what secrets lay behind the windows and doors of our nakedness...on them i'm thinking of adding some of the phrases we found on the walls of paris, not only so that it realtes even further but because those pearls of wisdom could not go unused.

domenica 29 marzo 2009

Fish must think I'm sexy

so i decided to devulge to you the subject that will be on THE PAN, i didnt actually take the picture jona did, when i saw it, i thought...yum.
so there it is, project is called 'Fish must think im really sexy'quoted directly from my subject.

lunedì 23 marzo 2009

more of my muse

I like hands and K*** and i thank her for being my muse

So seeing as my main theme is nudity i had a few naked ideas floating about on my nudist beach of thought. But now i have been inspired by my muse , who happened to pose for me in the girls bathroom on E floor and i liked the picture i took so much i decided i'd develop it into a project. The thing that really jumped at me from the pictures above is the hands, i liked the idea that despite the nudity of her back the gaze of the viewer is caught by the position of the hands, they are suggestive and enable the contortion of the body in a fluid position that exudes sensuality. so i really liked and developed it into a chalk drawing on black card and i again did it in my book in oil pants as you'll see tomorrow seing as its book day, and you'll have to wait for tomorrow for me to divulge the project i have in mind...